mainly music

Weekly sessions are full of songs and rhymes, actions and movement, designed to engage you and your child. Not only will your little one be delighted by the one-to-one attention you give, but you’ll love the way they respond and develop.

You’ll be creating memories together.

The structured 30 minute music session will be followed by 30-60 minutes of eat/play/chat. Snacks and refreshments will be served, followed by a time of unstructured play. At the same time, you’ll be able to connect with others.

Call Bernadette Kennedy
0477-887 783


Are you all having fun as a team?
If not, why not? What can we do to relieve the pressures or stresses so WE TOO enjoy ourself at each session.

Laugh yourself silly


Many mothers talk about how much they appreciate the team noticing and encouraging them in their parenting. Today, can we be tuned to looking out for ‘parenting moments’? BUT then how do we honour the parents when these happen?

Parenting encouragement


One team meets together once a month at night to pray. They say, “We find this helpful, especially in keeping our focus on the purpose of our ministry. praying for the families and our own needs and planning theme days”. As a team - can we take a few minutes to talk about our prayer commitment?

Prayer focus


Lots of other ‘music groups’ and ‘playgroups’ exist for families to benefit from. Many families select what we offer over other music or play groups. What makes us different? What can we improve or maintain our focus on that keeps us different?

What gives us appeal


What do your families look for? When you’ve been out and about…shopping, eating, enjoying family time… what have we enjoyed? What have you experienced lately that blew you away? Do any of these experiences translate into changes we can make to our sessions?

Putting yourself in another’s shoes