A Family for All

The first Family Group formed in Terrey Hills Parish, Sydney in 1972. Under the leadership of Passionist
Fr Peter McGrath.
This very small Parish gradually grew, and with it so did the Family Groups. Fr Wilf Plunkett showed great foresight when he commenced them in this Parish ain approximately 1985.

Five groups, with around 200 members, have flourished ever since, contributing to the life of the Parish.
Our Parish Priest is also enthusiastic and supports the Aims and Motto of Family Groups.

Call Ron & Marg McAuliffe
02-6925 2363
0427-579 307

Group Leaders

McAuliffe Group

02-6925 2363
0427-579 307

Ron & Margaret McAuliffe

Pitura/Johnson Group

Marian Pitura
Tom Johnson

0411-434 303

Barclay Group

Kath Edis

0408-695 518

Anne Brown

0499-425 970

Casey Group

Therese Bartley
Margaret McDonald

0411-053 802
0428-318 300

Our Aims

To get to know one another

Family groups help people get to know other members of their parish community.

Members of a family group support each other, sharing each others joys and sorrows and so building the Christian community as in the early Church.

To support each other

Family groups bring together people of all ages and help us involve our children in our Christian sharing directly, if possible, or indirectly by our example.

To involve our children

Photos from
